We are thrilled to announce that the short movie directed by Susan Rynard, featuring original music and performance of Eve Egoyan, has been selected to compete in the upcoming edition of the International Festival of Films on Art (FIFA).
The movie will be available to watch online from March 24th 2023 to April 2nd on Arts.Film and presented in world premiere on March 19, 2023, at the Cinéma du Musée in Montreal.
Learn more on the Festival's Catalogue: Études for Augmented Piano
Venture into Eve Egoyan’s musical world with this beautifully made visual essay. Known as one of the greatest Canadian classical pianists of all time, Egoyan welcomes audiences into unknown territory with her insightful interpretations and playful compositions. Through snapshots, journal entries, and fragments from an enigmatic solo performance, learn how she produces her characteristic elusive sounds as she creates new work for augmented piano.
Director Susan Rynard Director of Photography John Price Editing Caroline Christie Sound editing Phil Strong Artists Eve Egoyan Sound Design Dennis Patterson Music Eve Egoyan
Congratulations to the whole artistic team and good luck!