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About "Resilience"

“Resilience” is a new project by violinist Emmanuel Vukovich inspired by the musical legacy of Béla Bartók. Collaborating with several artists including pianist Katherine Dowling, this project presents the world premiere of "Resilient Earth" - four solo violin Caprices by American composer Sheila Silver written for Vukovich in 2020-21, a newly revised Sonata for violin & piano by Dinuk Wijeratne, "Sprung Testament" and "Patina" by Zosha Di Castri, and Bartók’s monumental solo violin Sonata. It also includes a selection of Bartók’s Serbo-Croatian, Rumanian, Turkish folk and North African melodies archived since 1945 at Columbia University, which were recently made publicly available for the first time. Emmanuel is the first performer to work on this material that was made available especially for him. This programme is an expression of the uniquely creative voices and artistic relationships between the collaborators involved and an exploration of how diverse musical languages build on the tradition of cross-cultural musical synthesis, first pioneered by Bartók over a century ago.

The project will be released in two albums, recorded by tonmeister Martha de Francisco at Domaine Forget, including a ‘making-of’ documentary video by Jean-Paul Desjardins and produced by HitLab. will be releasing the Emmanuel Vukovich app in early 2023.

Emmanuel wishes to acknowledge The Canada Council for the Arts for a generous Concept to Realization grant in support of the "Resilience" project and the Musical Instrument Bank and George Heinl & Co Limited for the generous extended loan of a beautiful 1753 Giovanni Battista Guadagnini violin.

« Resilience » est un nouveau projet du violoniste Emmanuel Vukovich inspiré de l’héritage musical de Béla Bartók. En collaboration avec plusieurs artistes dont la pianiste Katherine Dowling, ce projet présente, entre autres, la Sonate pour violon et piano récemment révisée de Dinuk Wijeratne, Sprung Testament et Patina de Zosha Di Castri, la première mondiale de Resilient Earth - quatre Caprices pour violon solo de la compositrice américaine Sheila Silver écrite pour Vukovich en 2020-21, et la Sonate pour violon seul de Béla Bartók. Le programme comprendra également la première mondiale d’une sélection de mélodies folkloriques serbo-croates, roumaines, turques et nord-africaines de Bartók archivées à l’Université Columbia depuis 1945. Emmanuel est par conséquent le premier artiste à interpréter ces oeuvres qui furent rendues publiques spécifiquement pour lui. Ce programme est une expression des voix créatives uniques et des relations artistiques entre les collaborateurs impliqués et une exploration de la façon dont divers langages musicaux s’appuient sur la tradition de synthèse musicale interculturelle, lancée pour la première fois par Bartók il y a plus d’un siècle.

Le projet sera enregistré en deux albums par la tonmeister Martha de Francisco au Domaine Forget, incluant un documentaire « making-of » de Jean-Paul Desjardins et produit par HitLab. lancera une application d'Emmanuel Vukovich en début 2023.

Emmanuel tient à remercier le Conseil des Arts du Canada pour leur généreuse bourse de conception et réalisation du projet “Resilience”, ainsi que la Banque d’instruments de musique George Heinl & Co Limited pour leur généreux prêt du magnifique violon fait par Giovanni Battista Guadagnini en 1753.



Emmanuel Vukovich 02 LR.jpg
Emmanuel Vukovich
a000520_P_227-8_ Sheila Silver.jpg
Sheila Silver
Headshot Jiyang Chen.jpg
Katherine Dowling
Dinuk Wijeratne
Zosha Di Castri




For me, you are a great musician, a true musician. Thank you for this unforgettable moment.” 

Yannick Nézet-Séguin

…untiring and unstinting attention to every detail of phrasing …the crown jewel of the evening was Bach’s Concerto for Violin and Oboe in C minor, BWV 1060 which saw violinist Emmanuel Vukovich and faculty member oboist Alex Klein come out to play … there seemed to be no difference as to who played which part, so balanced were Mr. Vukovich and Mr. Klein. They were the very acme of Bach playing.”

—  Calgary Herald, Stephan Bonfield

Then Emmanuel Vukovich lost himself so completely, and with such authentic purity and simplicity, in the Bach Chaconne that every note came to have a purpose and a beauty of its own, leading to a deep meditative silence. It was quite profound.” 

Strings Magazine, Laurence Vittes

« Pour moi vous êtes un grand, un vrai musicien. Merci pour ce moment inoubliable. »

Yannick Nézet-Séguin

« …untiring and unstinting attention to every detail of phrasing …the crown jewel of the evening was Bach’s Concerto for Violin and Oboe in C minor, BWV 1060 which saw violinist Emmanuel Vukovich and faculty member oboist Alex Klein come out to play … there seemed to be no difference as to who played which part, so balanced were Mr. Vukovich and Mr. Klein. They were the very acme of Bach playing. »

—  Calgary Herald, Stephan Bonfield

« Then Emmanuel Vukovich lost himself so completely, and with such authentic purity and simplicity, in the Bach Chaconne that every note came to have a purpose and a beauty of its own, leading to a deep meditative silence. It was quite profound. »

Strings Magazine, Laurence Vittes

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