“Hear [the Duo Kalysta] if you can, either in concert or this way.”
— Gorman, American Record Guide
May-June 2020 (about the recording Origins)
“Deutsch, a player who can soften or strengthen her handsome tone according to need, is very much in the first chair.”
— Arthur Kaptainis, La Scena Musicale
February 2020
"Deutsch revealed new worlds of colour and meaning in every single note ... an astonishing artist"
— Scott Tresham, Senior Producer at CBC Music
“Hear [the Duo Kalysta] if you can, either in concert or this way.”
— Gorman, American Record Guide
May-June 2020 (about the recording Origins)
“Deutsch, a player who can soften or strengthen her handsome tone according to need, is very much in the first chair.”
— Arthur Kaptainis, La Scena Musicale
February 2020
"Deutsch revealed new worlds of colour and meaning in every single note ... an astonishing artist"
— Scott Tresham, Senior Producer at CBC Music
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Programmes and Projects

About Thorwald Jørgensen
Thorwald Jørgensen est connu comme l'un des plus grands joueurs de thérémine classique au monde. Après avoir obtenu son diplôme au conservatoire, il s'est rapidement imposé comme l'un des plus grands joueurs de l'instrument et en a fait une carrière à plein temps.
Comme la technique de jeu ressemble à celle d'un instrument à cordes, Thorwald a été formé par Saskia Boon, ancienne violoncelliste de l'Orchestre Royal du Concertgebouw. Avec un programme de concerts très chargé, Thorwald a joué en tant que chambriste, soliste et thérémine d'orchestre en Europe, en Amérique du Nord et du Sud, au Canada, en Asie et en Russie, et a reçu d'excellentes critiques.
Thorwald est un défenseur du nouveau répertoire pour le thérémine et des compositeurs du monde entier ont écrit des pièces pour lui. Avec la pianiste Kamilla Bystrova, Thorwald a enregistré l'album Air Électrique, qui comprend le premier enregistrement des Ten Preludes for Theremin and Piano de Lera Auerbach, qui a reçu un accueil très favorable. Récemment, le compositeur canadien Simon Bertrand a composé un concerto pour thérémine destiné à Thorwald, qui fut créé avec l'Orchestre Métropolitain à Montréal en Février 2023.
Thorwald Jørgensen is known as one of the leading classical theremin players in the world. After graduating from the conservatory he quickly established himself as one of the most prominent players of the instrument and made a full time career of playing the instrument.
Since the playing technique also resembles that of a string instrument, Thorwald was coached by Saskia Boon, former cellist with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra. Having a busy concert schedule, Thorwald has played to great reviews as a chamber musician, soloist and orchestral thereminist in Europe, both North and South America, Canada, Asia and Russia.
Thorwald is an advocate for new theremin repertoire and composers from all over the world have written pieces for him. Together with pianist Kamilla Bystrova, Thorwald recorded the album Air Électrique, featuring the premiere recording of Lera Auerbach’s Ten Preludes for Theremin and Piano, which was received with great acclaim. Recently, Canadian composer Simon Bertrand composed a theremin concerto for Thorwald, which has been premiered with the Orchestre Métropolitain in Montréal in 2023.
“Thorwald Jørgensen sets a new standard”
— Parool (review on the album ‘Air Électrique’)
“Thorwald gives a string-like quality to the sound, with perfect control over pitches that he literally plucks out of thin air.”
— Ottawa Citizen (review on recital at Music and Beyond festival)
"Thorwald brought high-minded seriousness to his performances with a virtuoso’s commitment to craft and artistry"
— Off the Air Radio (review of New York Recital)
“Thorwald Jørgensen sets a new standard”
— Parool (review on the album ‘Air Électrique’)
“Thorwald gives a string-like quality to the sound, with perfect control over pitches that he literally plucks out of thin air.”
— Ottawa Citizen (review on recital at Music and Beyond festival)
"Thorwald brought high-minded seriousness to his performances with a virtuoso’s commitment to craft and artistry"
— Off the Air Radio (review of New York Recital)
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