Arthur Arnold's was praised in a review of the Spokeman’s Review!
The third, Francis Poulenc’s “Les Biches” (1923/1939), was chosen by Arnold himself, and proved an excellent choice. The music is thoroughly approachable, deliciously witty, and wonderfully well suited to showing off the orchestra as well as Arnold’s own skill at helping the orchestra transform the notes on the page into sounds that thrill an audience.
Guiding them all was the ever-sensitive ear of Arnold, who showed remarkable ability to imbue every passage with striking color and character. When, for example, Poulenc’s demands shifted from clipped staccato phrasing to a smooth, sensuous legato, Arnold would set down his baton and mould the phrases with his hands and shoulders, not to put on a show for the audience, but to communicate his wishes more exactly to the musicians. It seemed to work.
Arnold’s mastery of the piece is complete. He presented each phrase to us as a jeweler lays out diamonds on a square of velvet. Nor can we ignore the achievement of the Spokane Symphony, whose every member played, both individually and corporately, with unflagging rhythmic precision and beauty of tone.
The strings executed this so amazingly as to produce not so much a sound, as pure, disembodied emotion. Search as you may, you won’t find it on any record.
Closing the first half of the program was the Saint-Saens’ Concerto, with the remarkable violinist Simone Porter, a native of Seattle, as soloist. If you wish to know what Simone Porter can do on the violin, the answer is simple: whatever she wants.
To read the full review, click here.
To know more about Arthur, click here.
Arthur Arnold reçoit des éloges pour sa direction du Spokane Symphony!
Voir extraits ci-dessus (EN).
Lisez la critique complète ici.
Pour en savoir plus sur Arthur Arnold, cliquez ici.