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Jean-Michel Pilc in Montreal and NYC this weekend

Dorothée Jourdain

Updated: Jul 30, 2019

Montrealers can catch the jaw-dropping Jean-Michel Pilc in trio at the Upstairs Jazz Club this Friday, with sets at 8:30pm ($15), 10:15pm ($10), and 11:30pm (free). Pianist Jean-Michel Pilc is joined by Cole Birney-Stewart on bass and Michel Lambert on drums. More info here.

And if you're in NYC this Saturday, you can catch Jean-Michel at Maureen’s Jazz Cellar in Nyack, NY, with the great Rick Rosato & Jerad Lippi. Call 845-535-3143 ASAP to reserve seats for this rare NYC appearance! More info here.

Can't make it to either show? No problem - you can bring the genius of Jean-Michel Pilc with you wherever you go with his new solo album Parallel. The album can be found on Amazon Canada, Apple Music and Google Play.


Jean-Michel Pilc à Montréal et New York ce weekend

Les montréalais pourrons voir et entendre l'incroyable Jean-Michel Pilc en trio au Upstairs Jazz Bar & Grill ce vendredi à 8:30pm ($15), 10:15pm ($10) et 11:30pm (gratuit). Le pianiste Jean-Michel Pilc sera joint par le contrebassiste Cole Birney-Stewart et le drummer Michel Lambert.

Jean-Michel sera de retour à New York ce samedi au Maureen’s Jazz Cellar à Nyack (NY), avec Rick Rosato et Jerad Lippi. Pour assister à ce rare concert, appelez au (845) 535-3143 pour réserver vos places.

Si vous n'êtes pas en mesure d'assister à ces performances en direct, vous pouvez également profiter du talent de Jean-Michel Pilc sur son nouvel album solo Parallel.

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