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Dorothée Jourdain

Welcoming Misceo" to Latitude 45!

Latitude 45 Arts is very proud to announce that we will be representing "Misceo", a new project featuring Marina Thibeault and Duo Airs.

This concert puts the notion of folklore at the center of the musical inspirations of yesterday's and today's composers. Misceo evokes by its etymological definition mixture, disorder and union, reflected artistically by the choice of works that present the performers in a variable geometry formula where the trio is sometimes reunited or deconstructed into duets.​

United especially for the occasion, these three musicians offer a repertoire ranging from 1970 to the present day, highlighting works such as "Rasch" by George Aperghis (Greece), "Naturale" by Luciano Berio (Italy), "Dmaathen" by Iannis Xenakis (Greece), in addition to creations by Ana Sokolovic (Serbia-Canada) and Ontario Anishinaabe composer Melody McKiver. ​

Each of the composers featured demonstrate their very personal attachment to tradition and culture. With Berio, Sokolovic and McKiver, the inspiration of Italian, Serbian and indigenous folklore is evident and assumed, while with Aperghis and Xenakis, influences of Greek folklore are symbolized by specific writing techniques.​

This concert is recommended for contemporary music enthusiasts as it is for the curious audience wishing to discover the many faces of percussion, saxophone and viola. 

To learn more about Misceo, Marina Thibeault, and Duo Airs, click here.

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